This is one of the beautiful things about this instrument. Because we are all so different, these physical things have an effect on the way our saxophone sounds, regardless of any equipment. Add to that, our command or control over the instrument, air support, embouchure, and oral cavity. Our unique physical shape and structure of our face, bone structure, teeth, size and thickness of the lips all have an influence. Since we’re all physically different, no mouthpiece will work the same for everyone.

But the biggest influencer on your sound will be you. There is a mouthpiece model that will help you to achieve it. Everyone who approaches it will eventually fall into a category, whether it’s a soft jazzy sound, soulful and bluesy, raunchy rock and roll or a dark and focused classical sound. The saxophone is capable of a wide range of styles and sounds. You will choose your next mouthpiece depending on which “sound” direction you want to go in. As you continue to grow with your playing, be thoughtful of the type of sound you want to produce. A different design can help us sound much darker and not as loud. A mouthpiece designed a certain way can help us sound big, bright and loud. So, I suppose those who aren’t happy with their sound will keep on searching in hopes the mouthpiece will help make the change they’re looking for. Well, like I mentioned earlier, it’s the one piece of our set up that can give us the “biggest bang for the buck”. It’s time to figure this out! What’s the obsession with saxophone mouthpieces anyway? It may be one of the highly recommended ones or it may be terrible and liable to give you problems going forward. Maybe you’re stuck with whatever mouthpiece came with the sax you got. If you’re just starting out, you probably haven’t given this subject much thought if any. After about 10 years or so I found one I fell in love with and have been playing it for over 30 years now. Personally, I tried quite a few during the first several years of playing. Then there are others who will have a box full of saxophone mouthpieces. Some saxophone players will spend many years, even a life time playing on just one.

I can honestly tell you that our saxophone mouthpieces are the most important and influential part of our setup (equipment) that can alter your own personal sound… for better or for worse! More so than your reed or saxophone. That, along with the reed and your embouchure, the saxophone itself is almost secondary at this point. Your saxophone mouthpiece is an integral part of what forms your entire sound.